
What is Open Purple?

#OpenPurple events are online, registration only, events where two teams gather and perform attacks or disect attacks and learn from one another in a open and sharing manner. All of the results from such events are published online after the events and all participants are encouraged to share and publish their experiences.

No matter your experience or job title, you may register for either team. Once registered, you will recieve information on how to connect to the environment and how to communicate with other members of your team as well as the event staff and opposite team.

Once the event begins, the Red Team performs attacks of all shapes and sizes. An extremely vulnerable network is provided to maximize the learning experience and amount of types of attacks available. The Blue Team is purformes analyais, and asks questions from the Red Team. Attacks can be repeated for testing of detections and performance.

Events may last a single day or up to a week, it is up to the organizers.

At the end of the all findings and attacks and publishes with as much detail as possible to include github links, blog posts, pcaps, rules generated and other metadata.

Welcome to #OpenPurple
